ARXIV/Neural Network
Matching Networks for One Shot LearningARXIV/Neural Network 2020. 4. 13. 13:46 Matching Networks for One Shot Learning Learning from a few examples remains a key challenge in machine learning. Despite recent advances in important domains such as vision and language, the standard supervised deep learning paradigm does not offer a satisfactory solution for learning new conce abstract
Edge-labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot LearningARXIV/Neural Network 2020. 4. 13. 13:44 Edge-labeling Graph Neural Network for Few-shot Learning In this paper, we propose a novel edge-labeling graph neural network (EGNN), which adapts a deep neural network on the edge-labeling graph, for few-shot learning. The previous graph neural network (GNN) approaches in few-shot learning have been based on th abstract
Bayesian Deep Learning and a Probabilistic Perspective of GeneralizationARXIV/Neural Network 2020. 3. 17. 10:43 Bayesian Deep Learning and a Probabilistic Perspective of Generalization The key distinguishing property of a Bayesian approach is marginalization, rather than using a single setting of weights. Bayesian marginalization can particularly improve the accuracy and calibration of modern deep neural networks, which are typically und Abstract Bayesin 접근법의 핵..
Two-sample Testing Using Deep LearningARXIV/Neural Network 2020. 3. 11. 22:32 Two-sample Testing Using Deep Learning We propose a two-sample testing procedure based on learned deep neural network representations. To this end, we define two test statistics that perform an asymptotic location test on data samples mapped onto a hidden layer. The tests are consistent and asy abstract 본 논문은 학습된 Neural Network 표현을 기반으로 2-샘플 테스트 절차를 제..
On Feature Normalization and Data AugmentationARXIV/Neural Network 2020. 3. 10. 11:31 On Feature Normalization and Data Augmentation Modern neural network training relies heavily on data augmentation for improved generalization. After the initial success of label-preserving augmentations, there has been a recent surge of interest in label-perturbing approaches, which combine features an abstract 본 논문은 특징 일반화에 의해 추출되고 첫번째와 두번째 모메트를 활용하는..